sayang selamanya

Monday, October 27, 2014

start a new

hahahaha. ya Allah malunyaaa bila baca entry before2 ni. what have i wrote ??!! all those cherry berry thingyyyyy ! geliiii geliiii. hahaha. kenapa buta nauuuuu time high school ni ! hahaha.

okay la. aku rasa dah berapa kali dah aku cakap start a new ni. but then nothing much changed. entry before ni aku cakap pasal PLKN. the thing that couldn't be accepted when i was there was the morning call. or the morning 'perbarisan' or whatever they might called it. i fell asleep once when i was standing, one not-so-fine morning there. hahaha. 6;30 in the morning, while the others were still sleeping, we were told to do perbarisan, sang the songs, exercises (sometimes aerobic which i like ! hahaha) and many more. seriously i hate the morning life of PLKN. never missed one day. oh yeah, i ve missed it when i got an MC letter. heaven ! hahahaha. except for sunday and wednesday lah. our rehat day among those hectics weekdays.

okay. THE END for PLKN's . my love-hate life. hahaha. *ayatmengundang*

no, it s not the end. hahaha. if we re gonna talk about the life i went through when i was there, aigooo. time is not enough. even it s enough, perhaps my fingers are gonna run out of their bones. hahaha.

so, i'm just gonna wrote a few memories that i think they gave me such a big life-lesson.

memories, hmm, they are just too precious. eventhough the not-so-good memories. hahaha.

firstly, i learned how to accept fate. i think that was a big fat giant lesson i ve learned. Allah had chose me to be one of the not-so-called wirawati, (hahaha, gelinya istilah tu). it s my fate. i have to accept it. im going to PLKN. there s nothing gonna change that. i m not planning to go to jail only because of this big fat rebellious girl which is hiding inside me. im not going to waste 2K of my parents money and give it to Najib and Rosmah for them to shop only because i dont wanna go to PLKN. no, i wont do that. i hate being a burden to other people especially my beloved parents. so, yeah. i need to accept my fate. i went there for 3 months. 72 days to be exact. hahaha. and to be honest, the life there is not that bad. in fact, there were a lot of hot guys *excludetheirhairofcourse* hahaha. xD

next, i realized the fact that high school is not forever. those friends u used to be with when u were in school are not always gonna be next to you for your whole life. so dont depend on anyone. if not, u wont survive.  i  met some cool chics there. we were best friends. still besties. a group of six hottie girls. hahaha. *bapakklaaperasan*
p/s: teddy ozlyn ujie mun and kecik , u guys will stay with me until the day i forget u okay? haha

see, i told ya ! my fingers cramped already. hahaha. lets continue later kayh :)

as for the preview, i ll tell you a name.
name given ; syafiq
who is he ; someone i once loved

he was there. at the camp.  i tell u more. later .

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara !

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang 
Asslamualaikum semua . 
aku kembali menulis lagi . haha . okay . enough gelak . kali ni aku nak cerita pasal PLKN yang amat dibenci oleh majority para pelajar zaman sekarang ni . haha . amik kaww ayat aku tuh ! haha . aku pun sangat sangat sangat benci PLKN ni jugak mula mula . kalau org cakap pasai ni je , mesti nak nangis . orang nyanyi je part ..
aku terus hilang mood . haha . patutnya kurus laa kan kalau hilang mood nak makan . malangnya , tidak . haha . :p . biarkan lahh .. tapi , dekat PLKN sebenarnya mengajar aku macam macam benda . macam macam orang aku jumpa . macam macam ragam yang aku dah selami daripada perangai perangai pelik tapi benar wira dan wirawati KEM PLKN DESA RIMBA ni . haha . banyak memori suka duka aku kat sana . aku ingat lagi , hari pertama aku duduk sana . aku call pawie sampai tak boleh nak cakap sebab tahan nangis . kesian sangat kan aku . amcam tak pernah duduk asrama . haha . puncanya sebab aku tak faham A SINGLE WORD YANG BUDAK BUDAK KELATAN CAKAP !  waktu tu aku rase macam , OH MY !! aku tak sangguppppp duduk kat sini lagi 72 hari ! damn u laa kementerian pertahanan yang cipta menatang haram useless nii ! waktu tu aku sangat memerlukan kawan kawan MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA LENGGONG  yang aku sayang tu ! even JOE pun jadi lahhhh !. sobs sobs . sedih kan . AKU NAK THE ALMIGHTY PENAN ! AKU NAK BFF KERBAU AKU ! AKU NAK CLASSMATES 4DKA AKU YANG MEMANG TOTALLY KICK ASS TU ! AKU NAK ROOMMATES AKU ! AKU NAK GOSSIP GIRLS;XOXO AKU !  waktu tu aku rasa , kalau dok maktab lagi 17 tahun pun takpa . asalkan , i m out of this fucking PLKN !
baru aku sedar yang aku sangat sayang kawan kawan aku nih and appreciate sangat diorang bila diorang ade dengan aku . malam tu aku nangis lagi . nangis lagi . dan lagi .dan lagi . baru aku sedar betapa lemah nya aku . aku tak nangis bertahun rahun kat maktab tak cukup membuatkan aku kuat rupanya . hati aku boleh tahan sentimental jugak laa .haha. aku rasa sangat lemah . sangat tak macho ! haha . yang aku tahu , aku nak tutup mata dan bila bukak aku dah ade kat rumah . aku mengadu kat raja je . rupanya dia pun macam aku . kami dua dua tunggu masa je bila nak balik ! wahh , bukan sekejap weh , waktu tu aku baru masuk hari kedua ! means lagi 70 hari nak tamat dari segala keperitan , kesengsearaan ni semua ! tapi , as the time flies , aku mula mengenali orang baru . rakan baru . dan aku dah rapat denga a few friends there . but still hatiku di rumah ! di maktab ! haha . hari berganti hari ... aku dah boleh senyum dengan ikhlas .. aku dah boleh terima keadaan dan suasana baru ni .

 tapi yang aku memang TAK BOLEH TERIMA LANSUNG .. !!!!!!!!

to be continue........

Friday, December 21, 2012

flower . boy . ramyun . shop .

homaigod ! first time aku tak tahu nak sokong hero mane doh ! due due hensem yang amaattt ! tensyen ! bila cha chi soo yg sedih , aku sedih ! bila Onion sedih , aku pon ikut sedih . bertambah sedih bila name hero second tuh onion ! eyh , eyh , bukan name betul . nickname je ! haha . tapi , perlu ke ?? men-tensyen-kan mood aku je bila tengok . mujur drama tuh best . boleh laa di-list-kan as one of my favieyyy korean dramas ! hehe :D .  perlu ke citer sinopsis ?? hummm . panjang sangat laa . yang aku boleh cakap , anda anda semua bolehlah pergi tengok drama ni . seriously , no regret ! haha . *jadi promoter tak bertauliah jap* ! :p .

haha . boleh ke , aku sanggup berjaga sampai 05:00 a.m nak tengok citer ni !semua sebab hero hero drama ni ! meyh sini ramairamai tengok hero hero dia ! haha .and of course , semua nii salah SI COMEL SUFINI SHAIDAN !!! ahaha :D
 well , here they come , my new handsome-gorgeous boyfriends ! *perasan gilaa aku kan ?haha*

okay . mula mula mesti laa poster drama ni dulu ! 

*heroes dia kirikanan girl tu !jeless I !*

* kalau dapat sorang pun jadila !*

ni gambar mereka mereka yang handsome gilaa tuh , macam biasa dengan heroin lah ! :p *nyampah* haha .

*handsome gilaaa !!*

okay . maybe ade yang cakap tak lah handsome mane kan . maybe nana akan cakap aqeef lagi handome , and adiek cakap pian or si baju biruu yang handome and anis cakap faiz akmal dia or shafiq hell yang handsome . tapi , bagi aku depadepa ni lagii handsome okay ! hahaha :D

okay ! now , MEET MY FIRST HUBBY ! hero second , obviously lah kan  dia tak dapat heroin tuh . 
so , just come to me okay ! muahmuahh ! :* . haha .

*Onion , My Sayang !*

*caircaircair !!*

*awak , jgn laa buat gaye mcm tu !! comellll sgtttt !!!!*

*handsome  sgt sampai aku  just boleh cakap , SPEECHLESS !*

HAHA ! over gilaaaa aku describe each picture kan ? haha :D sokayyyy ! hero yang ni pulak hero first dalam drama ni ! for sure laa heroin tu dia punya ! alaa , kalau dia jumpa aku dulu , mesti dia pilih aku ! haha ! tengok MY SECOND HUBBY pulak ! walaupun second , tahap sukaa aku sama jaa duedue ! haha !

*CHA CHI SOO !, My Honey !*

*oh maiiii !! melting *

*awk tengok saye ye !! ^^ comelll*

*jangan laa tengok macam tuh ! heart fluttering !!*

okay , apakah perasaan anda anda selepas melihat mereka ni ?? siapa yang tak cakap handsome tuh pergi check mata anda okay ?! *SERIOUSLY , THERE MUST BE SOMETHING OBVIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOUR EYES DUDE !! *  haha :p . check this out ! 

*kanak kanak bawah umur jangan tengok yee !haha !*

*OPPSSS !hehe , kan da cakap 18XX !haha*
kalau berdasarkan gambar kat atas ni , yang nak kisskiss ni , confirm lah dah tahuu heroin end up with hero yang first tu kan . haha . tapi takpe , hero second will be mine !! hehe :D 

okay lah . tu jee aku nak cerita ! ramai ramai silaa lah ye tengok drama ni ! SUPERBB ! hehe :D
Bubuy people ! gtg ! ttyl ! hehe :))

a . lesson . that . force . me . to . learn .

hidup ni tak selalu senang . tak laa selalu susah jugak . biase biase je . kadang kadang kita lay back and relax. dan kadang kadang kita stress sampai tahap petala kelapan . kan . kan . haha . semua orang mesti pernah rasa semua tu . sebab hidup ni macam roda . ada masa kita jatuh . ada masa kita berdiri atas pentas sambil loncat loncat . haha . ade ke ayat pujangga macam tuh ? haha . takpe . blog aku . suka hati aku laa kan nak tulis ayat macam mane macam mane pon . :p . haha . tapi takkan sekali jatuh dah give up kot derr ? tak remaja laa macam tuh kan . haha . kau boleh bangun balik . kalau takda oang nak tolong pon , kena bangun jugak . sebab , , , 
" silica kena bakar dekat suhu yang tinggi . tinggi sangat sangat untuk jadi kaca yang berkualiti . sangat berkualiti sampai orang boleh cakap , WOWW ! bukan mcam soda lime yang cepat pecah tu ," faham tak anda anda semua ?? .
 in conclusion  , a lesson that should be noticed here is , you have to go through hard times with a strong heart and mind . so that you will go out and face the real world with a great quality that can't be denied by anyone . kita perlu tempuh macam macam benda pahit . benda susah . in order to become the best . 
dan masalah tak akan pergi jauh dari kita . you know , macam Lenka cakap ,
but , every cloud has silver lining . there still have light at the end of every tunnel ! :))

jadi . jangan sesekali putus asa . berterima kasih lah atas segala kesusahan , kepahitan . ke-stress-an yang kita rasa . kerana semua tu jadikan kita , A BETTER PERSON

"ALLAH takkan bagi dugaan melebihi kemampuan hambaNya '" , 

whatever it is , just keep smiling . because each and every smile makes the world feel better ;))

lots of love , 
iyeenhamzah ^ melati . :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

chinggu yeah !

Assalamualaikum .. :D

humm .. friends . friend is one of the things that i needed mostly in my life after my family ;)
but having lots of friends is kinda complicated sometimes .
for example , you have your own best friend , then ,when you seemed to be closed with the others , she will feel strange about your friendship . she ll feel that you are not close to her anymore .
hey ,,, please don't get the wrong idea okay . this not a lesbo or whatsover that brings you to that idea .
what i mean is , she ll feel like she s being abandoned by you .
for those out there who face this kind of problem ...
apparently , you guys should'nt be like this . please throw away all the negative thaught that come to your mind .
she s still the same actually .
if you still thinking that way , you re the one who is started to ruin your beautiful friendship , like seriously .
please be open minded okay .
you are making it worse and harder for your best friend if you behave like that ,
you put on a big big pressure on her actually .
wahhh .. most of you must be wondering ,how i know bout all these feelings , right . haha .
it s my experience to be honest .
it s really driving me up the wall . stress me out of my skin .
but , every cloud has silver lining .
every problem has its own way out :))
mine was cleanly solved , and we re together now , hopefully forever . :D
after all  , i have them :))
  • the almighty P.E.N.A.N ! :D
  • my best friend forever , En. Buffalo :D
  • my lovely classmates :D
  • my beautiful roommates :D
  • those mesmerizing friends closed to me , sufini , nana , mas , anis , adiek , nisa , yana , maria , jie ,didi ,tieyra ! :D
i am totally grateful that  i made it . went through the hard times , and i have them behind me after all !

*thanks Allah , i found you ! all of you !*:D

countless love ,
Syukrina Zaini Hamzah