sayang selamanya

Friday, December 21, 2012

flower . boy . ramyun . shop .

homaigod ! first time aku tak tahu nak sokong hero mane doh ! due due hensem yang amaattt ! tensyen ! bila cha chi soo yg sedih , aku sedih ! bila Onion sedih , aku pon ikut sedih . bertambah sedih bila name hero second tuh onion ! eyh , eyh , bukan name betul . nickname je ! haha . tapi , perlu ke ?? men-tensyen-kan mood aku je bila tengok . mujur drama tuh best . boleh laa di-list-kan as one of my favieyyy korean dramas ! hehe :D .  perlu ke citer sinopsis ?? hummm . panjang sangat laa . yang aku boleh cakap , anda anda semua bolehlah pergi tengok drama ni . seriously , no regret ! haha . *jadi promoter tak bertauliah jap* ! :p .

haha . boleh ke , aku sanggup berjaga sampai 05:00 a.m nak tengok citer ni !semua sebab hero hero drama ni ! meyh sini ramairamai tengok hero hero dia ! haha .and of course , semua nii salah SI COMEL SUFINI SHAIDAN !!! ahaha :D
 well , here they come , my new handsome-gorgeous boyfriends ! *perasan gilaa aku kan ?haha*

okay . mula mula mesti laa poster drama ni dulu ! 

*heroes dia kirikanan girl tu !jeless I !*

* kalau dapat sorang pun jadila !*

ni gambar mereka mereka yang handsome gilaa tuh , macam biasa dengan heroin lah ! :p *nyampah* haha .

*handsome gilaaa !!*

okay . maybe ade yang cakap tak lah handsome mane kan . maybe nana akan cakap aqeef lagi handome , and adiek cakap pian or si baju biruu yang handome and anis cakap faiz akmal dia or shafiq hell yang handsome . tapi , bagi aku depadepa ni lagii handsome okay ! hahaha :D

okay ! now , MEET MY FIRST HUBBY ! hero second , obviously lah kan  dia tak dapat heroin tuh . 
so , just come to me okay ! muahmuahh ! :* . haha .

*Onion , My Sayang !*

*caircaircair !!*

*awak , jgn laa buat gaye mcm tu !! comellll sgtttt !!!!*

*handsome  sgt sampai aku  just boleh cakap , SPEECHLESS !*

HAHA ! over gilaaaa aku describe each picture kan ? haha :D sokayyyy ! hero yang ni pulak hero first dalam drama ni ! for sure laa heroin tu dia punya ! alaa , kalau dia jumpa aku dulu , mesti dia pilih aku ! haha ! tengok MY SECOND HUBBY pulak ! walaupun second , tahap sukaa aku sama jaa duedue ! haha !

*CHA CHI SOO !, My Honey !*

*oh maiiii !! melting *

*awk tengok saye ye !! ^^ comelll*

*jangan laa tengok macam tuh ! heart fluttering !!*

okay , apakah perasaan anda anda selepas melihat mereka ni ?? siapa yang tak cakap handsome tuh pergi check mata anda okay ?! *SERIOUSLY , THERE MUST BE SOMETHING OBVIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOUR EYES DUDE !! *  haha :p . check this out ! 

*kanak kanak bawah umur jangan tengok yee !haha !*

*OPPSSS !hehe , kan da cakap 18XX !haha*
kalau berdasarkan gambar kat atas ni , yang nak kisskiss ni , confirm lah dah tahuu heroin end up with hero yang first tu kan . haha . tapi takpe , hero second will be mine !! hehe :D 

okay lah . tu jee aku nak cerita ! ramai ramai silaa lah ye tengok drama ni ! SUPERBB ! hehe :D
Bubuy people ! gtg ! ttyl ! hehe :))

a . lesson . that . force . me . to . learn .

hidup ni tak selalu senang . tak laa selalu susah jugak . biase biase je . kadang kadang kita lay back and relax. dan kadang kadang kita stress sampai tahap petala kelapan . kan . kan . haha . semua orang mesti pernah rasa semua tu . sebab hidup ni macam roda . ada masa kita jatuh . ada masa kita berdiri atas pentas sambil loncat loncat . haha . ade ke ayat pujangga macam tuh ? haha . takpe . blog aku . suka hati aku laa kan nak tulis ayat macam mane macam mane pon . :p . haha . tapi takkan sekali jatuh dah give up kot derr ? tak remaja laa macam tuh kan . haha . kau boleh bangun balik . kalau takda oang nak tolong pon , kena bangun jugak . sebab , , , 
" silica kena bakar dekat suhu yang tinggi . tinggi sangat sangat untuk jadi kaca yang berkualiti . sangat berkualiti sampai orang boleh cakap , WOWW ! bukan mcam soda lime yang cepat pecah tu ," faham tak anda anda semua ?? .
 in conclusion  , a lesson that should be noticed here is , you have to go through hard times with a strong heart and mind . so that you will go out and face the real world with a great quality that can't be denied by anyone . kita perlu tempuh macam macam benda pahit . benda susah . in order to become the best . 
dan masalah tak akan pergi jauh dari kita . you know , macam Lenka cakap ,
but , every cloud has silver lining . there still have light at the end of every tunnel ! :))

jadi . jangan sesekali putus asa . berterima kasih lah atas segala kesusahan , kepahitan . ke-stress-an yang kita rasa . kerana semua tu jadikan kita , A BETTER PERSON

"ALLAH takkan bagi dugaan melebihi kemampuan hambaNya '" , 

whatever it is , just keep smiling . because each and every smile makes the world feel better ;))

lots of love , 
iyeenhamzah ^ melati . :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

chinggu yeah !

Assalamualaikum .. :D

humm .. friends . friend is one of the things that i needed mostly in my life after my family ;)
but having lots of friends is kinda complicated sometimes .
for example , you have your own best friend , then ,when you seemed to be closed with the others , she will feel strange about your friendship . she ll feel that you are not close to her anymore .
hey ,,, please don't get the wrong idea okay . this not a lesbo or whatsover that brings you to that idea .
what i mean is , she ll feel like she s being abandoned by you .
for those out there who face this kind of problem ...
apparently , you guys should'nt be like this . please throw away all the negative thaught that come to your mind .
she s still the same actually .
if you still thinking that way , you re the one who is started to ruin your beautiful friendship , like seriously .
please be open minded okay .
you are making it worse and harder for your best friend if you behave like that ,
you put on a big big pressure on her actually .
wahhh .. most of you must be wondering ,how i know bout all these feelings , right . haha .
it s my experience to be honest .
it s really driving me up the wall . stress me out of my skin .
but , every cloud has silver lining .
every problem has its own way out :))
mine was cleanly solved , and we re together now , hopefully forever . :D
after all  , i have them :))
  • the almighty P.E.N.A.N ! :D
  • my best friend forever , En. Buffalo :D
  • my lovely classmates :D
  • my beautiful roommates :D
  • those mesmerizing friends closed to me , sufini , nana , mas , anis , adiek , nisa , yana , maria , jie ,didi ,tieyra ! :D
i am totally grateful that  i made it . went through the hard times , and i have them behind me after all !

*thanks Allah , i found you ! all of you !*:D

countless love ,
Syukrina Zaini Hamzah


ade oraang cakap yang kita harus sayang semua benda yang kita miliki ..
tapi , bukan semua yang kita sayang , kita boleh miliki . 
with just those sentences , aku rase macam ada batu yang sangat sangat sangat besar jatuh , hempap kepala aku . meteor kot . haha .
tapi , bila aku fikir balik , then , yup ! 
shirt ! yes , it was the shirt that i wrote my heart on . 
how could you be so stupid syukrina zaini ????
how could you be so blind ? 
shame on you . this had happened so many times ago , but why u did;nt take at least a lesson , u dummy ! 


Sunday, December 9, 2012

berry no more :/

Assalamualaikum ;))
buah kan bile dah teroksida dah tak sedap laa nak makan . .

jadi , bila dah tak hirau kan buah tu , dia pon rosak ..

buah dah busuk dan bahaya kalau dimakan .. .

So , tak yah makan ! ambik , bawak dekat bakul sampah , dan buang je dalam tu . kan .kan .


so , puncanye ialah buah yg teroksida .  

kenapa teroksida ???

. sebab org yg nak makan tu tetibe tak jadi nak makan , and biarkan je buah tu terkontang kanting kat situ . Hmm , jadi itu lah punca sebenar .  


"respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that is no longer ..

serve you ,

grows you ,

or makes you happy .fullstop . "

says who ??????

says me !!

jadi ... patah tumbuh hilang berganti . kan .kan . :D
don't ever waste your life time waiting for those who will never come back.

 "waitin' for u , is like waitin' for rain in this draught . "

and disappointing ...

 so , move on . live your life without regrets ! don't ever turn back !

  • put your pride held high ! yes , that s what MJSC LENGGONG thaught me ;))
biar kan . biar kan dia hidup dengan hidup dia . doakan kebahagiaan dia sebab awak pon akan bahagia bila orang yg awak sayang bahagia . ;))

bubuy , Berry ;')

 may the blessing of Allah be with you ,
  # berry no more :')

okay lah , mesti andaa andaa semua tak paham kan entry yg kali ni . sokay . sokay . haha . kepada yg paham . shuhhhhhh . hahaha . once a goodbye is spoke out ,forever it will remains , INSYALLAH .
all is His plan , and i trust Him .all things happened is the best plan for us ;))

okkiedokkie , bubuy people . Assalamualaikum :D

Sunday, December 2, 2012

freedom !

hye ! oppsss ! sorry . ASSALAMUALAKUM !

freedom ?? haha .  

i m free from school !  

cool huhh ?! 

 i think i want to start blogging again ! hehe !

mcm seronok je ! okay :D

tapi , bile dah habis sekolah ................

 rinduuuuuu nak main main dalam kelas !

rinduuuuu nak bising bising kat floor !

rinnduuuuu nak makn buah BERRY ?! 

yee .. buah berry yg di tanam oleh saye dekat taman herba ! hahahhaa ! 

k , bubuy !